About Me

Russellville, Alabama, United States
Bryan and Angel were married on December 6, 1997 at Russellville Church of God. We had our first littel boy named Hunter Bryan Fuller whom born on April 24, 2001. We are expecting another bouncing baby boy on January 1, 2009. Keep up with our life regualry as I will be adding exciting news to our family blog.

Friday, September 19, 2008

25 week OB Visit

I went Tuesday to my 25 week Dr visit and my blood pressure was high, so they put me in a room and had me lie on my left side for about 30 minutes or so and Dr Stutts came in and re checked it and it was still rising. He put me on Blood pressure medicine 3x a day and he is checking me for Pre-eclampsia. I had this with Hunter but it wasn't until my 38th week and he put me on bedrest with Hunter. I go back to see Dr Stutts this Tuesday for evaluation of the BP med. The baby's heart rate was 152 as it always is. He is doing great according to the Dr. I am measuring right ton target and gained 1 pound of what I have lost through out the pregnancy back. Dr Stutts said I looked great for 6 months along. He is such a wonderful Dr. I am grateful to him for everything he has done for us to get where we are today. He is truly a caring Dr and has the best bedside manner. I will update the blog on Tuesday when we get results back from my tests and see what happens. I'm hoping the BP will get stabilized cause I have too much to do in the next 3 months preparing for this little guy to arrive.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Addicted to Twilight, Cleaning & Pregnancy Update

I have gotten so addicted to these books my friends are reading and can't put them down. They are called the Twilight Saga and the movie comes to theatres I believe November 11th. I have been so busy getting ready for the baby that I am still stuck on book 2 but almost finished with it. I got a little disappointed in it cause the guy leaves the girl and she is so depressed and that bugs me. I have to admit though that I cheated and took a sneak toward the end just to see if he comes back and he does. My friends Shelana told me not to stop reading it so I havent but things are so crazy here. I havent felt the greatest and I have been trying to box some things up in this house to remove the clutter before the potential buyers come to look at our house. Hunter's room about killed me Monday. I have never in my life saw such a mess. I boxed up most of his toys and I am gonna go ahead and put them in Bryan's parents basement since we are buying their house. I look at how much I boxed up and realize there is no way a kid his age needs all of this and we have another one on the way. When Bryan works off again, we are gonna start in our basement boxing up stuff and setting it off to the side. There are a set of mattresses down there that is lying on top of alot of my baby furniture and things I need to get out. It has been so long since I have had a baby that I need to see what is still good and what i need to buy. I have found most of Hunter's baby clothes. The roofers just finished our shingles this week and they look very good. I am very proud with how the roof ended up. We still got more painting to do but Erik is gonna finish that up for me this week. I am too scared to do anything b/c I have been hurting alot lately and have felt really bad to be just 6 months pregnant. I go back to the Dr. next week and I will discuss this with him. Im sure everything is fine though. I do get a little scared at times since I had that miscarriage last January, which is expected. My little man has started moving alot, mainly at night after I am settled down for bed. I can't wait to meet him. We are getting very anxious about his arrival here at the Fuller house. Hunter is getting bored with me being pregnant and is ready for his baby brother to get here. No one is more ready than I am but not to ready. We are looking forward to our 4d ultrasound that is coming up in a few weeks. They said I can have it done at 28-32 weeks. I am really excited to get a sneak peek at what he will look like. I am sure he will be gorgeous just like his daddy and big brother.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hunter has Reading Glasses

Hunter had to get reading glasses about 3 weeks ago. He has been having really bad headaches and the eye Dr thinks this could help with them. He says that Hunter may grow out of this and not need these glasses but maybe 2 years or so. Hunter was so excited to get them but now it's been war trying to get him to wear them. He looks very intelligent in them. He said that a kid in his class made fun of him for wearing them and called him ugly and that is why he don't wanna wear them. Kids can be so cruel. I told him not to pay any attention to what kids say. He is wearing them more now. If he is anything like his straight forward Momma, then he will probably tell that little girl what he thinks the next time she says something. lol I'm so proud of him this year. He has started the year off with all A's of course and scored above average on his Dibels again. He is a very smart little boy and I tell him this everyday. I want him to know how proud his Daddy and I are of him and to never doubt that.

Matthew's Coming Home Outfit

Matthew's coming home outfit came in today. I ordered it from a Baby Boutique on EBay. Hunter wore one very similar to it the day he came home from the hospital and I wanted Matthew to wear the same one but Hunter's was for hot weather and considering Matthew will be here in the Winter, he needed something warmer to wear home. The one I ordered is just like Hunter's but its a little pant suit and is all white and Hunter's was white and blue. They both are precious. They are made by
Will"Beth. I just love that brand. They look homemade and if i could smock or sew, I would make my kids clothes but I can't so I spend a lot of money and buy them. I can't wait to see him in the outfit. I remember how sweet Hunter looked in his and I know Matthew will look as sweet as his Big Brother did 7 1/2 years ago. I am still hoping that he will be
able to wear Hunter's. I will have to bundle him up really well or at least I can take his picture in it just show him in it as well. Here is a picture of Hunter in his coming home outfit. Can you see the similarity?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

In Memory of My Angel

Today is the due date of the baby we lost in January. Although, I am extremely excited about this baby thats on the way, I still love and will always remember that baby. I know I never met that baby and I lost it so early but I did see his or her little heart beating and that made it so hard for me to move on for a while. I was so devastated and did not think I would ever be the same again. When I finally got some hope and put my trust into the Lord that I would carry another child, I became pregnant again. This baby Im carrying was such a blessing at such a sad time in my life. Im so thankful that he is healthy and growing and kicking up a storm inside me. I cant wait to meet him. I will always wonder what the baby we lost would have been like, looked like, but I know it is in a better place now. I thank God everyday for blessing me with my baby boy on the way. I cant wait to meet him. I feel he is already getting a little personality and he isnt even here yet. When I am talking or Hunter is talking, he starts kicking really hard to let me know he is listening. He likes to sleep all day and wake me up kicking at night. Yeah, I think I have a night owl on the way.... lol

Anyway, I just wanted to remember my little angel that would have been born today. I want to always remember this day, September 3rd, and think about that baby. It was such a blessing and came at a perfect time in my life and helped me turn my life around. I felt that when it passed, I grew closer to God and I am thankful for that. I have always believed it was a girl. I didn't want to know for sure b/c I just didn't think I could handle that. I know that one day I will know for sure.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Nursey Bedding I have chosen for Matthew

I found it online at but target also has it. I haven't checked at the one in Florence but I saw it online. My Mom is going to purchase my bedding and I am gonna get the accessories to go with it.
Although little Matthew doesn't have a nursery yet, I cant wait to get started buying for his room. I am hoping to have his nursery completed before my shower in November. That is if we can get our house finished, sold, and moved into our new house by then. Wishful Thinking or Hoping? I can't wait to start working on his room. I think it will take my mind off of the next 3 months or so that I have left till he gets here.

Remodeling, Sell, & Move

We are in the process of trying to get our house finished remodeling, sold and moving to our new house before the baby arrives. This has been a disaster in the making. We started remodeling this house before we even found out we were expecting another baby. Well, considering I was pregnant and having a rough start, I took it easy. We have completely redone our kitchen, bathroom, added a new heat pump system and are getting a new roof. We were hoping to be done by now, sold and in the process of moving into our new home and be settled before the baby gets here but things arent looking that way. We finally finished the bathroom tile but it hasnt been painted yet b/c I have been having Braxton Hicks Contractions and I have been told to rest. Bryan has been busy on his off days trying his hardest to get things done. I am getting a little frustrated at this point b/c I am not sure where we are gonna be when the baby gets here and I just wanted everything to work out. We are hoping by the end of the month to be finshed and get our house sold. This new little guy doesnt have a room yet and I am anxious to get started on it and have it done before my shower which is November 30th.

Matthew Thomas 20 week Ultrasound

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Hello Everyone and welcome to our family blog. I have created this blog for family members and friends to visit and keep updated on our beautiful family. As most of tyou know, Bryan and I are expecting another baby BOY January 1st. The Dr says we should expect him before then though. So far, he is growing very well and is healthy. We are 23 weeks pregnant and cant wait to meet him. He is kicking alot and already has a little personality. Hunter is loving that he is going to be a big brother and cant wait to teach him everythign. We have decided to name him Matthew Thomas. Matthew means "Gift from God" and its the perfect name for our precious gift God has given us. Thomas is my Daddy's name and I want to carry on that name and maybe someday he will pass it on to his little boy and so forth. My Daddy is so proud that he will have a grandson named after him as he was named after his grandfather John Thomas. We are so blessed that we will have 2 beautiful and handsome little boys to raise. Stop by every now and then and keep a check on my boys growth and whats going on in our family. This blog is especially for the ones whom cant be here everyday to see us. Until next time....